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Houdini tool that lets the user create different variations of feathers and place them on a surface. Tool created as part of La Manigua project for my Master's studies.

Tool used in La Manigua

The feathers on the chest and belly resembled Hummingbird feathers. They were procedurally made by creating a single "feather strand" that would be later duplicated following a curve. The length of each copy could be changed by modifying the values on a ramp. I generated a hair system to guide how the feathers would be placed along the mesh.

Chest Feathers

For the feathers on the forelegs, I used a system that takes a curve as the base and scatters points along it where the feathers will come out. The normals of the scattered points can be modified by changing the values on a ramp so that the direction of the feathers varies along the curve. The amount of copies of feathers can also be defined, as well as the length and width of each feather using a similar system like the orientation.

Feather System

I created a few variations for the feathers that would be randomly placed on the feather system.

Feather Variation
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